Thinking About Forming a New Charity?
We see a lot of interest in forming nonprofit organizations around our clients’ interests and favorite causes. Does your organization qualify as a charity? The IRS lays out specific stipulations for organizations that want 501(c)3 status in their latest Tax Tip. If...
Receive an Economic Impact Payment in Error?
If you received an Economic Impact Payment (aka: federal stimulus check) in error, you should return the payment as described below: If the payment was a paper check: Write “Void” in the endorsement section on the back of the check. Mail the voided...
Business Owners: There Are 3 New Tax Credits Available to Companies Hit By COVID-19
The IRS wants to remind business owners of 3 new credits available to companies hit by COVID-19. Please click the links to learn more about how your business can benefit from the Employee Retention Credit, the Paid Sick Leave Credit and the Paid Family Leave Credit....
Still Have Questions About Those Economic Impact Payments?
We are still receiving questions from a number of our clients in regards to the Economic Impact Payments (EIP). Here is a recap of the qualifiers, a helpful flow chart (below) and useful links for more information. Who Qualifies? Individuals with an adjusted gross...