Don’t Get Hit With a Big Tax Bill! Most People Are Not Having Enough Federal Tax Withheld!
The IRS is trying to spread the news, and we want to help our clients: The new tax laws are resulting in many taxpayers being under-withheld because their paycheck withholding was reduced—potentially in excess of the reduction in their tax liability! While in past...
Millennials: Are you living within your means?
Here at N & Co. we have a number of “millennial” clients, business owners, children, and interns. We enjoy their unique perspective on the world, and as accountants, we are especially interested in their ideas about money. The millennials we know are discerning...
Considering a Roth IRA Conversion: Why it could make sense to pay taxes on retirement savings sooner versus later
Our clients are savvy consumers, and we encourage them to plan carefully for retirement. That means we welcome the opportunity to help take a long view on tax planning and map out long-term tax saving strategies. Roth conversions are one such strategy. Rob Williams,...
Thinking ahead to tax season: Do you know what’s taxable?
The tax laws have changed. Take Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Quiz to find out if you know what IS and what IS NOT taxable. If your results show you need more help with determining what is taxable, please feel free to give our office a call. Your accountant will be...